Mon compte

Formation Video game influences in interactive story-telling

Gameplay applied to documentaries and drama

Training goals

Be able to:
- deal with specific video game narrative styles,
- understand the spectator's perspective and get their commitment,
- reinforce your story-telling skills using immersive structures.


Narratives in video games:
- overview, history, gameplay,
- different narratives structures in video games.
Spectators' commitment:
- the notion of a path, space and timeline to follow,
- interaction and interactivity:
- different features,
- tutorials, quests, rewards: reinfocing commitment.
Building gameplay in relation to the storyline:
- being in line with the structure and editorial position,
- audiovisual and behavioural grammar,
- designing the first narrative plans.

Targeted at

Authors, screenwriters, film directors, journalists.




Game designer.

Training methods

Presentations, case studies and practical hands-on workshop.

• Precise tools to build your storyline.